I live in the Rio Grande Valley in Portland, Jamaica (specifically Comfort Castle). The road that I and thousands of others live on and travel everyday is the worst road that I have ever seen. No one has seen and traveled the road and told me, "I've seen worse."
I would like 1 of 2 things. I either
A) want the government to fix this road (I know it's big, but something has to be done. It doesn't have to be paved, but it must have some major maintenance (via large road equipment and gravel)) or
B) want tire and suspension manufacturers to come to Jamaica to give their products the hardest road test available this side of the Prime Meridian.
That's it. There was a market truck accident back in December that left 14 people dead. Why should we have to wait for more deaths to get the attention and funds we need? It's not right. If you read this and have any thoughts, ideas, connections, or cash, please help us out. I'll soon be posting a longer video and the actual reasons to why this road is the cause of poverty in the Rio Grande Valley. In the mean time, a short clip...
The Worst Road in Jamaica 1